Facts tell... stories sell
A 2hr interview about your life, career & business
capturing stories & soundbites that amplify your personal brand.
A 2hr interview about your life, career & business
capturing stories & soundbites that amplify your personal brand.
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Be my next guest in the Confessions Studio and let me to capture your authentic self. Share the stories that have shaped your core values, the lessons learned from life, the people that have influenced you. What motivates you, what makes you anxious, how do you cope with set backs and celebrate success. Let's talk.
Following your interview, I will identify interesting content to get you started and this will include: a 10-15minute podcast and 3 x 30-40 second soundbites. Initially styled in line with the Confessions branding, content can be re-edited & re-branded to suit your own specification. Ask for details.
Over 2 hours we will capture a lot of content, some of which will be included in your initial package. I will be sharing soundbites and teasers from my own social media channels to get you started then the rest is up to you. Let's work together to amplify your personal brand and celebrate the real you.
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