The audio from your interview will be professionally recorded and may be edited and used to create a podcast of your key stories, each designed to engage your audience as they discover more about you through real life stories.
Every Confessions package includes a c10 -15 minute Editors Choice podcast which will be published on social media channels
Whilst longer podcast may be suitable for some audiences, many will want to get to know you in bite sized chunks.
Suitable soundbites will be identified to differentiate yourself from the competition, making yourself more engaging, more interesting.
Others will be used to convey some subtle business related messages through story telling.
Adding captioned subtitles will help to engage your audience wherever they are and whichever social platforms they use.
Every Confessions package include 3 x 30 second v-reels selected by the editor and published on the confessions YouTube Channel.
Take your interview to the next level and have your story edited into a mini documentary. Adding in photos from your early years, and images that can illustrate the experiences you are describing.
The addition of soundtracks, special effects plus text and titles to punctuate sections of your story into chapters.
This is a bespoke service. Please ask for further details and prices,
Two 4K cameras will capture images of you at 30 frames per second.
These still frames can be extracted from the video and converted into JPG/PNG for you to use in your social media posts.
Every Confessions package includes 5 still frames selected by the editor
Your entire interview will be transcribed for you to use in the creation of blogs, quotes in social media or press releases.
Captured using AI voice to text transcription, it creates some impressive results delivery 80-90% accuracy.
NB: AI Transcription results may be lower and can be affected by regional dialects, speach impediments, clarity and diction.
Every Confessions package includes the AI version of the interview transcription.
A version corrected by a human or used to create a blog is available at extra cost.
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